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Home Study at the Utah Asia Campus

Study at the Utah Asia Campus

What is the University of Utah Asia Campus?

U of U’s second campus in South Korea. Two campuses, one great U experience.

Why study Urban Ecology at the Utah Asia Campus?

Take classes in English from University of Utah faculty.

Complete courses for the major or minor in Urban Ecology.

Live in a high-tech, walkable city just one hour from Seoul.

Study for one semester or more.

Courses Regularly Offered at UAC

ARCH 2630 - Design Foundations Workshop
DES 2630 - Design Contexts
CMP 2010 - Design Ecologies
CMP 3100 - Planning Theory and Practice
CMP 3200 - Ecology of Human Settlements
CMP 3270 - Visual and Oral Communication
CMP 3400 - Economy of Cities
CMP 4010 - Field Studies in Urban Ecology I
CMP4140 Planning for Disasters & Environmental Change
CMP 4280 - Ecological Planning Workshop
CMP4360 Sustainability Planning
CMP 4450 - GIS for Urban Ecologists
CMP 4600 - The Just City
CMP4710 Introduction to Transportation Planning

Questions? Reach out!

Sarah Nguyen, UAC Program Coordinator, SLC Campus,

Emi Ata'ata, Urban Ecology Advisor, SLC Campus,