The B.S./B.A. + MCMP is a “4+1” program through which eligible students complete both a bachelor’s in Urban Ecology and a Master of City & Metropolitan Planning (MCMP) in five years.
The undergraduate program involves the study of the relationships between humans and nature in urban environments, emphasizing the interrelationships among social, environmental, and economic systems, while the Master of City & Metropolitan Planning (MCMP) focuses on the key competencies of technical literacy; ethical inquiry; inclusive community engagement, ecological thinking, and physical planning and design. The 4+1 program combines the strengths of both programs, preparing students to think ecologically in guiding the growth and development of cities and regions both locally and globally.
Students seeking to take advantage of the 4+1 program must first meet current University of Utah undergraduate admission standards, be accepted into the B.S./B.A. Urban Ecology major and be in good standing within the major.
B.S./B.A. Urban Ecology students who want to enter the 4+1 program must apply for admission during the spring semester of their junior year (i.e., after the completion of 75 undergraduate credit hours). To be admitted, applicants must have a cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 3.4 and demonstrated excellent performance in at least six of the BS/BA Urban Ecology required core courses (current courses, not yet completed, count as part of the six courses).
Application Process
To be considered for admission into the B.S./B.A. Urban Ecology + MCMP program, applicants must have a fully completed application on file with the Department by March 1.
Step 1: Apply to the CMP Department
Upload the following application materials to: 4+1 Application Form by March 1
- Cover Sheet
- Personal Statement (about 1.5 pages explaining a bit of who you are, your motivations for becoming a planner, and your aspirations for how you hope to use your degree when you’re done)
- Current Degree Audit Report (DAR)
- Current Resume
- GRE is NOT required
- One Letter of Recommendation written by a CMP faculty member; sent directly to The letter of recommendation should speak to your commitment to urban ecology/planning as well as your ability to complete graduate-level work.
Step 2: If admitted, attend mandatory advising + course mapping session.
Step 3: After you have an approved course map, you will be instructed when to apply to the University of Utah Graduate School via Slate.