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Professional Project Review

Professional Project Lightning Talk and Poster Review
Core Values: To what extent did the student’s presentation reflect the concepts of smart growth, ecological resilience, and/or social justice?
1. Core Values
Verbal Communication Skills: Assess the quality of the verbal presentation (speaks clearly, conveys message concisely, speaks with confidence but with modesty, receives suggestions/criticism without defensiveness).
Visual Communication Skills: Assess the quality of the poster’s graphic/visual presentation (visually tells a story, attention to detail, composition, mastery of software)
Collaboration: To what extent did the student’s professional project engage with a wide range of stakeholders?
Leadership: To what extent did the student assume a leadership role in the professional project?
Impact: To what degree did this student’s professional project inform policy/planning outcomes?
Innovation & Creativity: To what extent did the student’s presentation reflect the development of new knowledge or the application of innovative methods?