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Professional Project Review

Professional Project Lightning Talk and Poster Review

To aid the department in evaluating the quality of our master’s degree program, please assess each student’s project in the following categories by circling the appropriate response and adding comments at the end.

Core Values: To what extent did the student’s presentation reflect the concepts of smart growth, ecological resilience, and/or social justice?
1. Core Values
Verbal Communication Skills: Assess the quality of the verbal presentation (speaks clearly, conveys message concisely, speaks with confidence but with modesty, receives suggestions/criticism without defensiveness).
Visual Communication Skills: Assess the quality of the poster’s graphic/visual presentation (visually tells a story, attention to detail, composition, mastery of software)
Collaboration: To what extent did the student’s professional project engage with a wide range of stakeholders?
Leadership: To what extent did the student assume a leadership role in the professional project?
Impact: To what degree did this student’s professional project inform policy/planning outcomes?
Innovation & Creativity: To what extent did the student’s presentation reflect the development of new knowledge or the application of innovative methods?