Justice Tuffour, a recent graduate of the Master of City and Metropolitan Planning program, was featured on the NITC website. When asked what influenced his career path in transportation, Justice responded:
“My decision to study urban planning was largely influenced by the magnitude of impacts planners can make on communities on various scales. Once this path was charted, I was quickly immersed in numerous academic research and professional planning consultancy projects with my mentor and supervising professor (Prince A. Anokye) while pursuing my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Ghana… This would inspire me to pursue advanced transportation research in a world-class, international, and multicultural environment. I was particularly intrigued and attracted to the Department of City and Metropolitan Planning (CMP) program, at the University of Utah by the works of Professor Reid Ewing, whose enormous contributions to the field of urban planning and transportation systems remain ground-breaking… I have been involved in numerous research projects for local and state transportation agencies like UTA and UDOT that have shaped the course of my career path.”
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